Saturday, April 12, 2014

Is He/She The One?


So my thoughts for these last couple of days have been geared toward relationships. I have been seeing different couples get engaged and we're coming up on wedding season! It's all so very exciting. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and we were talking about relationships. He asked, what if a guy is saving up for a ring for his girl secretly but she gets impatient and decides to leave him because she feels he is taking too long to ask her? This sparked some great conversation.

It is my opinion, and mine alone, that if a man and a woman are deciding to embark on a relationship they should already have the goal of marriage in mind. I think that the two adults should, in the beginning of the relation, have an understanding of where things are going and agree on the course of the relationship together.

I strongly believe in premarital counseling. I understand most couples begin attending premarital counseling once they are engaged. In my opinion, premarital counseling is a good resources to help a couple learn each other and to come to know if they should be married. I think it would be a waste of time and money for the couple to wait until they are finally engaged and go to premarital counseling only to find out they should not get married to one another.

I prefer to use premarital counseling to find out, from the very beginning, if I should even be dating this person. Should I be investing my time into this person? Are we compatible? Will we make a good team? Can we solve problems together? Can we resolve conflict? These things, to me, are all good questions to ask from the very beginning; not after the man has spent his savings on a ring.

Marriage is a serious step. Dating is also serious. As we grow older, we should not waste our time with meaningless relationships. Each of our relationships should serve a purpose and help grow us. Our dating needs to have a purpose and that purpose should be marriage. Both parties need to agree on that at the very beginning.

Therefore, it is my strong opinion to begin premarital counseling just as soon as you two agree on making your relationship exclusive and significant. That way, if you find out you two just cannot work together, you know before so much money and time has been spent. It's harder to let go the longer you hold on. If the person is serious about you, they will agree to the premarital counseling as well. This is a good way to weed out the fakers. If they agree to go, then they are always making an excuse as to why they have to miss this appointment then that appointment, their not the one. A serious person will want to complete the counseling sessions if that means helping them to find out how to love you and getting them closer to being your husband or wife.

So, that's my two cents on finding out if he or she is the one. You have to take them through a process and be willing to go through the process as well. Marriage is not a joke! It should not be taken lightly. If you believe you found your good thing or your prince charming, take them through the process in order to be sure before putting a ring on it or accepting a ring.

Your GREATER IS COMING, be sure to recognize and find out how to hold on to it!

Love you!


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