Wednesday, July 31, 2013

When's The Wedding?

Greetings all!

Update: I'M DOING GREAT! So much has changed with regards to my emotional health. I am happier, more content, more fulfilled than I can ever remember! God continues to work and do wonders in my life. I'm so grateful for this entire process.

With all of that being said, I'm sure you can guess where I am in my process!  The healing continues to take place and I feel closer and closer to my blessing everyday. If I'm getting closer to my Greater then that must mean I'm moving further and further away from that which the devil tried to use to stop me.

I have been making great strides. I titled this post, "When's The Wedding? " because since I have been back to work and into the groove of the real world, that is the question that has begun to get asked. Now, in the beginning of this process, to hear that question would have brought about pain, embarrassment, shame, and whatever else the enemy would have tried to beat me down with. The first time the question was asked was when I realized, God has done so much work in me! I didn't get choked up at all, I didn't feel any bad feelings. What I felt was relief and pure happiness! To know that I'm not a part of a life filled with drama and sin is the most wonderful blessing! 

I have never felt so free, alive and like I can be myself without feeling like I need to hide some of who I am so not to offend the other person. I can love God, talk about my love for Him and be understood and accepted all while doing it! God has brought an amazing friend into my life who challenges me to grow more and more spiritually! I also still have the support of good Christian family and friends who love me. God has given me something to hold on to! 

He is giving me a glimpse of that which He has in store and wants for me. I'm happy! I'm not sad at all. I'm so glad I went through what I did because it has formed a great appreciation for the real thing! The pure, true, honest things God has waiting for me and I'm so excited as I see myself having them more and more!  My worship has intensified. I have been focusing on the gifts God has blessed me with and I have been getting blessed all the while! 

My Greater is here and I'm so happy to share it with you! I'm excited to tell you that it doesn't have to take long. Trust Him! Follow Him! Obey Him! You will receive more than you ever could imagine!  Keep hanging in there with me and I will do the same for you. My smile had returned and is here to stay! 

I'm just as excited for you as I am for me! GREATER IS COMING!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Anticipating: A Poem to My Greater.

Hello all!

I realize I am going to have to set time on the weekends for my posts. For some reason my weekdays tend to fill too much or go too quickly and I don't seem to be able to write like I wish. Today, I have decided to write a poem. Somewhat of a prophetic, looking ahead at what I believe God has waiting for me. The man of God He has so skillfully prepared for my arrival. Sometimes, you have to get excited for yourself. The word says God will give us the desires of our hearts as long as we keep His commandments. Walking with Him leads us directly to what He knows we have so longed for. My excitement has been building and continues to build, I am now anticipating the manifestation. Here goes...

To my husband, my best friend, my lover, my protector...

I want to start off by telling you that I love you
From the first day of my existence my heart was created for you
Ever since I was a little girl I would imagine our future together
How exited I'd be for the day you'd come to love me forever.

Reading stories of Prince Charming, dreaming of this type of fella
Who would not cease looking to find me, like I was his Cinderella
Having hopes of a fairy tale, just like the ones I read in books
As long as he sees me as his princess, I wouldn't care how he looked

Growing and experiencing all sorts of different pains
From heartbreak to heartbreak, I felt I would go insane
Then I looked to Jesus, who has been mending every wound
Providing me with hope that your love would find me soon.

Preparing me for my destiny, each experience was a lesson
Training me to differentiate the evil from the blessing
I am finally free with divine insight, no longer am I chasing,
Instead I stand still with patience, waiting, anticipating...

So many frauds and counterfeits crossed my path before you
Faking, fronting, pretending but they could never be you
Your genuine love and heart for God has captivated my spirit
You've always had the key to my heart, you just hadn't been near it

Well now it's time you unlock and set free all that has been trapped inside
The love, compassion and joy I have for you is becoming hard to hide
I know the journey has been long and the different pain excruciating
"The reward is great" is what I think, while I'm waiting, anticipating...

The day you come to get me and take me into your arms
I know I will be instantly in love and it won't be because of your charm
It's because I prayed for you, I asked God to keep you and me
Until that special day in His timing that we meet our destiny

My heart beats crazy inside my chest as I think of when that day will come
It's hard for me to maintain my composure when I think of you being the one
Patience is virtue and love is patient, these verses I continue stating
As I hold on to hope and my love for you, waiting, anticipating...

Well, that's the end of my poem. I hope you enjoyed it. Please don't go plagiarizing. LOL..I'm serious though. I just wanted to share this so that it can be evident to my readers, the people who have gone through or are currently going through the type of hurt, heartache, battle, etc. that I have or maybe even worse; that God can change your perspective. He can be you strength, He can encourage you, He can give you hope again. The devil likes to attack the heart. Especially the heart of those God created to provide the body of Christ with a supernatural kind of love for Him. Don't let your heart be hardened. Continue to look to the Lord and He will grant you far beyond what you thought you desired! I am still here for you. Still praying for you and still believing with you that GREATER IS COMING! It's here, just take a hold of it!

Friday, July 5, 2013

My Greater Is Here!


It has been a little while since I last wrote. I do apologize. Good news is, God is still working! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. I'm still going through the process of healing and restoration. Things have gotten much easier. My mind has other things to think on and imagine. Good things. I'm so blessed.

With getting back to work and back into the groove of reality, my time really hasn't been managed well. That is my fault and I promise to doa better job. So many new, unexpected things have occurred sincei last wrote. Exciting things. God is really moving on my behalf. My greater is here! My smile has completely returned.
My joy has been fulfilled, my heart is still in the Lord's  hands and it has so much to hold on and look forward to. It's amazing how God will work in and through things and/or people to help with your healing and restoration! We just have to allow Him to work.

I'm sure you have noticed that in the beginning of my process, when the pain was fresh and strong, my posts seemed to be much longer. As the days went on, as I spent more time in the presence of the Lord, as I lived out my purpose to be a worshipper and worshipped my way through this thing, my posts looked to get shorter and shorter. It's not because I didn't want to write, at times I would be at so much peace, so full of joy that I would draw a blank and just go through my previous posts reading my words, your comments and smile.

The scriptures that I have share with you, they are being or have been made real in my experience. God has begun to move me into a new place. He has kept my heart soft and my mind free in order that I may be able to recognised that which is truly of Him and not shun it away. I truly have a peace that passes all understanding! Do I at times still think of how wrongly I was treated and how devalued I was and how could a person be so cruel? Not often but the thought has arisen. Then I think of the wonderful things God has waiting for me that will restore and supersede all that the enemy thought he took from me. God is giving me more than I deserve! I'm more than grateful. My trust in Him has never swayed. My ability to be honest with Him, cry out to Him and express my feelings has allowed me to draw nearer to Him and establish an even more intimate relationship than before. God has been answering my prayers and letting me know He hears me. I have been having the most amazing experience ever!

Friends, I know things can be tough, the pain may be fresh and strong. It may even feel like it will never go away but I garuntee and am a living witness that if you hold on to Him for dear life, get His word down into your heart and trust it to come to pass, it will! I'm still saying it and I'm still believing it.. GREATER IS COMING! And I am now beginning to see that it's already here! Hold on, you're closer than you think!