Thursday, December 7, 2017

Functioning in Dysfunction

Is there such a thing as a functional family? It seems that all families, no matter how perfect they may look or try to look, have some form of dysfunction and each family members is taught by one another how to get along in the midst of the dysfunction.

I'm sure it's probably hard for the members to recognize the dysfunction because, in all actuality, it's been their normal way of life. So when someone else points it out (intentionally or unintentionally), what do you do??

At this stage of my life, I have come to understand more and more about myself as well as see things I may not have seen before. These things are revealed to me through different avenues but nonetheless, revealed. The challenge is taking these things to God and allowing Him to either guide me or work out what he needs to work out in me.

This whole week, the word GRACE has arisen on multiple occasions. God uses so much grace with His children and we are to mirror Him. Honestly, sometimes I just want to throw grace out of the window.. maybe I should say most times, and I want to move forward the way that I want to move forward. When I do it my way, I'm continuing in the dysfunction, whether it be within family, friendships, the work place, etc.

I am then, again, brought back to THY WILL BE DONE. As hard as it is to show grace, it's even more detrimental to recognize the dysfunction and continue to function in it because of my own fleshy desire. It may take some prayer, some fasting and maybe even a little time to get out of the flesh and just be obedient to His word but we must press on.

Remembering that it's all for God and removing either the actual person or situation can make the obedience a little easier. Overall, we desire to please God and want His will to be done.

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