Monday, September 28, 2015

Reflection: The Intro

So, I turned 30 yesterday. I am officially out of my 20s. I am grown for real now. 30 seems so adult and sophisticated. It has been quite the journey. I have experienced quite a bit in the last couple of years. From a heartbreaking, embarrassing breakup to now married to a man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world and also a soon to be mom! So much has changed and is changing! And it seems to all be happening so fast!

I would have never thought I'd be where I am now. Two years ago, I had completely different plans. My life was mapped out in my head but God had different plans. His plans and thoughts are always higher than mine. I don't always understand them but I do know that He will always cause me to prosper,

As I reflect, I realize that with the many changes going on around me, there are also many changes going on within me, both physically and spiritually. I am learning so much about myself, my hearts desires, my treasures, my fears, and so much more.

I would like to share with you my 30th year of life. All of my experiences for the next year as I transform from newlywed Mrs to Mrs. Mommy. As I learn to be a wife and a mother, I'd like to share my process in hopes of helping myself and someone else along the way. If you're willing to read, I am willing to share. I am, as I always have been, transparent and willing to share my testimony in order to assist someone else in whatever they may be going through. I am living testimony that God hears our prayers, heals our broken hearts, and blesses beyond expectation. Let's grow and rejoice together.

I look forward to what the following year holds! Stay tuned!


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