I know I have been a little late with the posts in the day. I apologize.
My thoughts today surround obedience. Have you ever been getting ready to do something then heard a voice telling you either not to do it or do it another way, etc.? Did you obey that voice? If I had to be honest, about 99% of the time, I do not obey the voice. Now, if you are hearing voices, as in many voices in your head, you need to go to a psychiatrist ASAP!
During this time of letting go and moving forward, it was brought back to my memory the many signs God was showing me, the many times I heard "this is not it", the many times I felt that things were not right in my relationship but I ignored them all! I wanted something in my own heart and sort of blocked what God was trying to get to me. I believe everyone has experienced this at one point or another. You want what you want so bad that you are okay with ignoring major signs just so that you can have what you want, even when it's not good for you.
I was once told, if you are not at peace concerning your relationship, then that's not the relationship God chose for you. A lot of the time we, especially women, will have things tugging at our hearts about our significant other that just does not set well with us but because we think we love them so much, we push it to the furthest point of our minds just to continue on in the relationship. I am guilty of this. Some things I knew as a woman but I was in denial, believed what was being told to me by my significant other and moved on past that which bothered me or that I believe God was trying to speak to me about. I believe I can hear from God. I believe He speaks to me. I just don't always obey what He is telling me to do. A lot of the time we don't do what God is telling us to do because it's not comfortable. It takes us completely out of our comfort zone and we won't know what to do next. We'd rather stay comfortable where we are, so we ignore the voice of God telling us otherwise. Not doing what you are told is just as much disobedience as is purposely doing the opposite of what you are told...if that makes any sense.
I realize, had I just obeyed God, I could have avoided this devastating situation and been done with this all a long time ago. My obedience would have shielded me from the pain, disappointment and betrayal I experienced. My disobedience was the cause of my sacrificed heart, joy, peace, etc. Many times other factors come into play when dealing with a relationship like the other person's family who love you so much or the fact that you have established such a great relationship with the other person's child(ren) if they have kids. We will allow those things to hold us captive in something that should have never been.
I want to make a point, from here on out, to obey whatever God says. His way is the best way and the only way. When you pray, wait for an answer. Don't just ask God for something then move on. Trust me, He will lead you in the right direction, the decision is up to you to trust, follow and obey. I'm tired of going through the same cycles because of my disobedience. I am at a point in my life where whatever God says do, I'm doing, because I have clearly seen that my own way never turns out well. I charge you to obey God's word, His voice and His leading whether it be in a relationship, at work, with your kids or with your finances. I believe once we start following Him, we will begin to see greater things because my darlings, GREATER IS COMING!
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