Just wanted to share my current feelings about my situation. I titled this post the way I did because I have come to realize my first mistake when it came to dating was that I gave my significant other the majority of my time. He was my movie partner, my arcade partner, pretty much my roll dawg. I find that now that we are not together, I don't have anyone to hang out with. I didn't keep a healthy balance between friends and my boyfriend. Not that I don't have friends, I just never realized how "on the go" I like to be compared to the friends I do have. They all tend to have other obligations. Instead of spending all of my free time with him, I should have been establishing relationships with other young, single, childless individuals whom I could hang out with from time to time and not just do everything with my boyfriend and his family.
I always said I never wanted to lose myself in a guy but in a way I did. I did not balance the "me time" and the "we time". Now I know. I bet a lot of people get out of balance in that area. If you're not one of those people then good for you but some of us fail to realize what's happening when it happens until the thing we invested the most time in is taken away from us. Then we are left with the "what do I do now?" face.
So, I'm learning to fill my time with many different things, hobbies and adventures so not to put all my eggs in one basket because if that basket is destroyed, then so are all my eggs.
Well, I guess you live and you learn. It only took me three tries to get it. First lesson learned from this experience so far, aside from the obvious lesson of if you suspect lies then they are lies! Lol. Anyway, it doesn't matter what happened in the past because now that the trash is out of the way... GREATER IS COMING!
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