Friday, June 7, 2013

Tried In The Fire

Hi there!

I'm glad to see people are enjoying my posts. Hopefully not for spiteful intentions. I really do pray that someone is truly blessed by my words or my experience.

Today as I allow the thoughts from last night to settle, I am accepting that I am coming into a new season. Old things have passed away and all things are made new. New day, new experiences, new friends, new relationship, new and better gifts (wink). A new chance to trust, follow and obey the Almighty God and do all that I can to please Him.

James 1:2-4 reads: Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations (trials, hard times, trying situations); knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

These hard times, hurtful times, disappointing times are all chances for your faith to be perfected. These are the time that we are able to show God that we trust Him, also allowing Him to perfect us spiritually and as a total person. When you think about how gold is made; it has to be placed in fire to rid it of all its impurities, refining it into the most beautiful, pure and valuable possession of all. It goes through a process.

Consider these trying and pressing times as you being tried in the fire, being purified as your faith is strengthened. And after all of this, you are coming out the most beautiful, purest and most valuable gold there will ever be in this earth!

Now that's a clear picture that after all of these things that you feel have been trying to take you down, GREATER IS COMING. You're coming out gold! Get ready to shine on! I'm getting ready! Watch me start shining!

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