Buenos Dias mí compadrès!
Yeah, I know a little Spanish. Lol. Anyhoo, I hope your day is going well. Mine is a bit refreshing. I'm trying my best to live in the moment and enjoy where I am physically right now. I spent some good time in worship with my Almighty God and I'm currently experiencing much peace at the moment. Praise His Holy Name!
So as my thoughts raced today I thought of what was supposed to occur this weekend. I, along with my ex-fiancé, were planning to go to Vegas and elope! Today or tomorrow would have been the day my life completely changed, and I don't think I can say it would have changed for the better considering his current circumstance. I could only imagine the misery. I can only be grateful to God for saving me!
I wanted to share with you my prayer before this whole illegitimate child scandal was exposed. You should know that God hears your prayers and He answers them. The question is, are we ready to handle the answer to our prayers? Anyhow, the day before I found out the devastating news that resulted in me ending the engagement and relationship all together, I was spending some time alone with God and as I spoke with God I stated, "God, please take anything from me that's not like you and give me the strength to deal with it". I also prayed and asked God to show both me, and my fiancé at the time, if this marriage was in His will for our lives. The very next day, his secret was exposed through a phone call from a friend and his admittance when I questioned him about it.
Although I had just asked for this, boy did it hurt to know the truth. Was I ready to handle this? God answered my prayer so fast! 1John 5:15 reads, And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. Dictionary.com defines petition as a request made for something desired, especially a respectful and humble request, as to a superior or to one of those in authority. I would say I made a humble request to THE ONE in authority, wouldn't you? Did I desire to go through the grief of losing a person who was such a major part of my life to unfortunate events? Not at all. Do I desire to be inside the will of God for my life and experience a happy, blessed, honest, trustworthy, loyal and fruitful marriage that honors God? HECK YEAH I DO! My life is purposed to worship and please God. Anything that's not like Him or that does not have the same purpose has to go. It cannot be connected to the righteousness of Christ. Now I'm not saying my ex is the devil or a devil worshipper. I am only referencing the word of God that clearly states, Can two walk together unless they are agreed? (Amos 3:3). It appears to me the separation had to occur. Our lives were not being lived with the same purpose in mind.
In the gospel of John, the 16th chapter and the 24th verse, Jesus explains to His diciples how once He is crucified, raised and sitting at the right hand of God; we will be able to ask the Father anything in His (Jesus) name and He (The Father) will give it. Jesus told them to ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. I don't know about you but I want full joy, not half full, not three quarters, I want full! God knows what's best for us and what will bring us full joy, even when we're willing to settle for half just to have something. God wants us to have the best! I know He wants that for me anyway. God loves me too much not to give me His very best and not to protect me from harm and misery. I believe He loves you the same!
I wanted to share this with you in order for you to know that God hears our prayers and He answers them because He loves us. Even though this is an uncomfortable position, God has not forsaken me. He is still listening, He is still working, it's all going to be a major piece in the testimony of my life. My story is not done yet and neither is yours. GREATER IS COMING. Keep saying it until you believe it, then once you believe you will begin to see it!
ReplyDeleteOkay look. I found your site late night and I read the post about "Shaking, Beating and Pressing." and the one when you found out about your ex. I wrote a reply and decided to delete it. Here I am for the second night.
Your story is so similar to mine. My ex-finace' asked me to marry him in Dec. 12.We were together for 4 years.On March 5th we moved in, and on March 13th I was moved out.Here's why:
I look through one of his old phone. Maybe that was my fault or maybe it was God directing me. Keep reading...He had a passcode on his phone. A number combo came out of nowhere. I tried it, and it was right.
I discovered that he had cheated on me repeatedly with not one girl, but about 15.He was sending out explicit pics and all.Would some chick a pic of him. Them turn around and text me "I love you,baby" Not claiming me etc.. As you know, instant devastation. I was so hurt I went walking down the highway. AND I HAVE A NEW CAR!!!! I completely came undone.
Just like you I prayed to God a similar prayer just prior to this reveal. Mine was: Lord show me the good and bad in this person.(That's why I was able to crack that passcode the first time out. I can't explain it any other way.) The only difference in prayers is I didn't ask God to give me the strength to handle what he was going to reveal.
Like you, I stumbled across Jekalyn Carr Greater is Coming. I'm listening to it now. I was listening to it last night reading your post and steady crying.
It's been almost 3 months, and I still go back and forth. My heart wants me to stay. My head says don't look back.
Yes, it hurts like hell. You are not alone. Your post have been spot on. I'm right there with you in most of your sentiments regarding your situation.
So, you might be writing for release, but you are actually letting me know that I'm not alone. I'm not the only one that feels this way.
DeleteThank you so much for sharing. I am glad I can be of some support for you. You are not alone. I understand the constant battle between the heart and the head. When you love somebody, it's not just that easy to turn the love off, especially after so many years. We both have to thank God for delivering us out of what could have caused us a lifetime of pain and misery and we also have to ask for strength to stay away from what's not good for us. I know its uncomfortable right now but it won't be this way forever. Greater is coming for us both! God had so many blessings in store for us and now that He has removed that which was not like Him, our blessings are no longer blocked! That's something to be excited about! I have been taught to remember what's true about the person that hurt me when I have thoughts of should I go back. He is not the person I thought he was. He lied to me, he cheated on me, he did not honor me, etc. These are facts not slanders. Remembering these things make it easier to stay away. We deserve way better than what we received. I am in the fight with you and I won't give up. I can't wait to see what's to come for us both. GREATER IS COMING!