Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Write It Down


So I'm starting to come down off of my diamond high from my Tiffany & Co. experience. I took pictures of myself in the rings just in case I needed to relive the experience. I have been looking at the pictures over and over. I have realized that when you're trying to move forward or past something, it's good to have something to look forward to. Map out your desires. Envision your future. The word of God tells us to " write the vision and make it plain". (Habakuk 2:2) If we want to see things come to pass in our lives, we have to actually see them now. Writing things out, cutting out pictures, trying on rings ;) and actually reading off the things when we pray makes it all more real. I challenge you to write out the things you desire as well as the things God has shown you, pray your list to God and watch as you begin to check things off of your list as God brings them to pass.

This is a short post because I am writing from my Galaxy S3 while I am in the airport. I refuse to pay for internet after the complimentary 45 minutes is up. I will make up for such a short post later. I just really wanted to share this thought. Remember,  GREATER IS COMING!

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