Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Have you ever just felt unlike yourself and you just don't know why? I mean, the feeling just lingers and you try not to allow it to take over but it does. You're more irritable than you have ever been, your attitude is not as pleasant as normal. It's all abnormal but you just can't seem to shake it.

That was me this week. I am sure, that has been at least one of you before also. Sometimes, we take on so much in this world that we fail to recharge ourselves, both physically and most of all, spiritually.When our spirit is not properly cared for and nurtured, it can tend to get out of wack, making our everyday life do the same. At least I know this to be true of those whose spirits are connected to the Most High God anyway. We have to replenish and refresh ourselves in Him or we are no good. We are made in his image and His likeness. If all we are doing is worrying about and going about taking care of things that don't have much to do with Him, we can sometimes tend to lose touch, losing touch with who we truly are.

One of the ways I get back to a place of peace, calm, happiness, joy, and just me again is by worship. Worship puts back in order my unbalanced life! We have to remember what it is that brings us back to that place. The place where we can feel a sense of relief and truly be ourselves again. For you it could be reading your bible or a spiritual book. It could be listening to a sermon by your pastor or favorite preacher. It could be going into the church building and sitting under the word being spoken. It could be praying. Everyone is different and you have to know what draws you back in.

My heart was created to worship. I know for a fact that my life is nothing without worship. I cannot function properly if my worship life is lacking. Personally, I sometimes can get so caught up in everything else going on in my world that I fail to realize that I have neglect worship time with my first love, my Lord and Savior, my Jesus! Yes, corporate worship is wonderful and a good way to get into worship. For me, personal worship, right in the comfort of my own home, is even more powerful. There is nothing like an encounter with God in the place where you lay your head at night. It fills your home with a supernatural peace and a fragrance of praise.

I was reminded of that this week and what a wonderful reminder it was! My heart was able to rejoice in who He is to me and that's it. Nothing else. Not what He's done for me naturally, what he can do, or what I know Him to do but the simple fact that He loves me and His life saved my life! There is a complete joy in  knowing how much God loves you and that He will never ever stop! I am grateful for the opportunity to enter into worship on a personal level and be recharged in my spirit as well as brought back to who and who's I truly am.

Worship makes me happy. What is it that makes you happy? I pray that God reveals to you what it is you need to do to get back to that place of peace and security in Him and when He does, I pray you never forget how to get there again and again. Many well wishes to you, reader. Continue to look forward to your Greater!