Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Starting Over: Scary but Exciting!

Hello All

Today I want to talk about starting over. In order to start something over you first have to stop the old way of doing something else. At this time in my life, starting over is a common theme. Since the beginning of this blog experience, my life has been in constant transition. I ended one thing and have begun many new things. It is actually a very humbling experience.

Let's be honest though, the ending some things is never easy. You become so accustomed to one way of things or living your life that when you have to change, it's uncomfortable. The bright side of starting over is that things are fresh and new. You have a blank canvas. You can make this new experience whatever you want to make it!

The thoughts of starting over came when I began Discipleship classes this past Sunday at a new church I recently decided to join. I was a member of my previous church for 22 years, since the tender age of 6. So, coming from a place where everyone knows who you are even if you don't know them, to a place where people have no idea who you are is very humbling, a little scary but exciting at the same time. I can remember graduating high school and getting ready to go away to college, it was scary but I was ready for new experiences and to create new memories!

Same with this new job that I started in January. I left my previous office of three years, and headed to a completely new city and new office. Scary but exciting! As I think about it, life is all about new beginnings, starting over, learning new things and new behaviors. Life is continually moving and you should continually be in a humble state, embracing good change and letting go of old things that no longer serve you.

Change can be challenging, I know this firsthand. Redirecting an old/bad habit or getting rid of it completely can be hard and uncomfortable but it will only make you better than what you were before, as long as it is for good. It adds to you! So embrace your new beginnings. Live each day just as it is, A NEW day! Look forward to new experiences, new adventures, a new look on your entire life! Leave the past just where it is, in the past and never look back!

I'm grateful for all of the new starts I have experienced and I look forward to the many more which are to come! GREATER IS COMING! Everyday, take ahold of your greater! Everyday, enjoy new experiences, be open to starting new things. It's okay to be scared at first but don't let fear overtake you. Embrace the excitement of it all!!

Is it time for you to start over? Go for it! Great things await you!!

Love you!


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