Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
As we know, with new beginnings comes the chance to make a new name for yourself. A chance to start over with a clean slate. A chance to reinvent yourself! When you think of reinvention, you think of transformation. You know those plans everyone makes on December 31st of every year for the following year? A resolution or should I say a Re- Solution? A plan to start over and transform themselves to be different in some way, shape or form from the previous year.
Transform means to change in form, appearance or structure; metamorphose. Transformation begins from the inside. It begins with the mind. Once you begin thinking differently, you to see things differently. Once you see things differently, you begin to respond or behave differently. Once you begin to behave differently, you are seen by others differently. It is a domino effect.
With all that has occurred I my life within the pass few months, I find myself at a stage of transformation. I have been asking God to renew my mind when it comes to certain things in my life. It's a process in itself but I can recognize the process. For instance, a lot of us women deal with the issue of wanting to lose weight. By changing my mind about the issue, rather than trying to lose weight for an event or by a certain time, I have begun to notice a change in myself. I have made the decision to be healthy, as healthy as I can be. This is also a process. You take it one step at a time. I have begun to think about the things that I eat that contribute to the way I look and feel. I have begun to think about my future and how much more of a happy life I will have for myself and for my own future family by making healthier choices and being active. My focus is on something greater than just seeing the numbers on the scale go down or fitting into some new skinny jeans. God has opened my eyes to the bigger picture of it all.
That is just area in which I am being transformed. God is working so much in my mind and heart, reshaping me spiritually as well. This is the most important transformation of all. Every new level requires a new amount of strength, grace and wisdom. The enemy's attack gets greater and greater the closer you are to fulfilling the purpose God created you for. Transformation is never ending! It can also be very uncomfortable.
When you are transforming, your are changing the way you used to do things. You are thinking differently and working differently. Sometimes you have to force yourself not to go back to doing things the way you did them before or else your transformation will be stunted. Transformation can be painful at times, you might want to give up. Just as if you were trying to transform your physique. You have to do things differently and on purpose to get different results. Better results. And you know when you get the best results? When you have someone who has been there, made the transformation before you or has wisdom to guide you along in your process. We all need guidance. With that being said, the first step in the transformation process should be humility.
1 Peter 5:6 reads Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. When we are humble to God, were are moldable. He can begin to work on the inside of us to transform us into what He has called us to be and to take us to where He has destined for us to go. We have to be willing to start the process by humbling ourselves to Him first and foremost, secondly to a wise and experienced guide that will also help us along in our journey, whether that be a Pastor, a spiritual counselor, etc.
So that is where I am. I am in my transformation stage. I have gone through my troubled time and now God is beginning to refine me into beautiful gold. It's a process. Is that where you are in your journey right now? Have you begun the transformation process? Have you humbled yourself yet? It's good to stop, be quiet and still, and figure out where you are in your journey. It makes things a lot clearer and you will be much happier once you are aware of where you are and you accept where you are at this time. I know for a fact it can be easier said than done to accept it but you have to know, you are in a process! You are transforming! Look forward to your metamorphoses!
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