Thursday, October 13, 2016

Remember Your Glory

Have you ever looked back at some of your photos from a couple years back and realize you're pretty darn dope?! Not in a conceited, braggadocious kind of way, but you recognize the royalty on yourself, on your life?

For a long while, with all the challenges in life and different transitions, I lost sight of how awesome I am. How beautiful I am, how successful I am, and how I am ABOVE average. I've never accepted nor have I ever been mediocre and I never will be. I can remember, a long time ago, one of my friends looked at me and said, "you just look rich!". That's the way I should and will try to always look! I grasped, back on 2012, the fact that I can look like now, what I know God is taking me to later. Another thing that reminded me of my heavenly royal appearance was that once, I worked at McDonald's for a summer. When some of my friends and even family members found out, they could not believe it and literally had to come lay their eyes on me in action in order to believe it. They said, "that's not the type of job I see Keya working". Not that there is anything wrong with fast food. I actually learned a great deal about how to work under pressure while at McDonald's. It's just that when God places a glory on your life, even those around you will be able to recognize it without even really knowing what they see!

Call me bougie, sadiddy, stuck up, whatever you want but I know that's not who I am. I am a child of the King which means I'm a princess. I walk with my head high and know without a doubt I'm well taken care of. I have the best, my family has the best and we will live gratefully and confidently in what God has already prepared for us. You should too!!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

You Are Blessed!


Today, as my husband, our daughter and I were leaving a restaurant after having family dinner, an older Caucasian male (maybe in his mid 70s) stopped us. We had been sitting directly across from their table and Cadence (our baby) was making a lot of noise, laughing and playing. I had no idea what the older gentleman was waving me over for. I thought maybe I dropped something of hers and he was trying to let me know (as that happens so often).

When I went to his table where he and his wife were having dinner, he said to me, "You are so blessed!" She is such a blessing. We have four beautiful girls and they were a blessing to us and I can tell she's such s blessing". I agreed and told him she is a blessing. She's the best baby. He then asked, "How's mom doing?" I told him I was doing great! Which is so true! I was so appreciative of him and his wife for their kind words.

I was also reminded of how God blesses us beyond what we deserve! If I had to be honest, when I first found out I was pregnant, I did not have a most excited reaction. I had planned to wait a year two after marriage before trying for children. Cadence is a honeymoon baby. I prayed that God forgive for that because a friend later said to me, "That's awesome, God blessed your union with a baby!". I hadn't seen it that way at first!

Anyhow, I have to say, this little baby has been a complete joy. God could have made things different to match my initial reaction of ungratefulness. I know that many women try and try and have the hardest time conceiving and my selfish tail behaved in such a self-centered manner.

Cadence is everything I prayed for. She brings joy to our home and everyone she comes in contact with. She is full of energy, extremely intelligent, and just as cute as can be (Mommy is biased, I know lol). We are blessed beyond measure with such an angel who has been just that. Being her parents has been a breeze and I am so grateful God saw past my insensitive selfish attitude and still blessed us with such an amazing baby. He could have taken her away before we got a chance to meet her.

I love being her mom! I love waking up to her sweet little gorgeous smile every morning. I even love the way she thinks all of my limbs are her pacifier as she is currently using my leg as her pacifier right now lol. I so don't deserve her but God is way better than me and decided to bless me anyway! I'm glad that older gentleman reminded me of that today!

What is it that you have taken for granted and lost sight of the fact that you truly are blessed? Don't lose sight! Remember God's promises to you! You Are Blessed! GREATER IS COMING!