Hello Readers,
It seems every time I start a blog, I am apologizing for the lapse in between blogs. I must say, I have been a pretty busy lady over the last year. I know some of you have been keeping up with my posts since I first began this journey of public journaling. I have given you all a real live glimpse into my devastating heartbreak, to God's everlasting love and complete healing of my heart, to my now received promise! From the first blog post to the last, I exclaimed to you that GREATER IS COMING. I believed that with all of my heart no matter how sad, depressed, hurt, angry or upset I was feeling at the moment. My faith superseded my situation and that faith got me to where I am today! I am so grateful for God's faithfulness to me, His grace that kept me and His strength that brought me this far!
To give a quick recap to catch some of the new readers up (you can always go back and read from the beginning); when I started this blog I was completely heartbroken. My engagement had just been ended due to infidelity of my then significant other and an illegitimate child he had on the way. It was the worst pain I had ever felt and although, at the time, I couldn't stop my tears I knew that God had a much greater plan for my life. Looking back on it, the break up was a major blessing!
Skipping past a few pages to now, I am married to the man of my dreams who knows how to protect my heart, we have a gorgeous baby girl who is so full of joy that I can't even imagine how I was even happy before her lol. We are living in a beautiful city, creating wonderful, long-lasting, godly and productive relationships and God has definitely been blessing us in our careers! His love never fails! He knows what is best for us and I am so glad I put my trust in Him and allowed Him to direct my path! I am truly experiencing my Greater and some! And it is not going to stop here!
So, the chapter has changed from heartbreak to a real live, true love story. I am in a different place, with majorly different roles and I am learning soooo much. I invite you to come along with me on this new journey of wifedom/motherhood as I allow the Lord to guide and use me to tackle, bring light to, and just support some of the new things new mothers and wives may face. We are still looking towards Greater and I am personally going to volunteer to be your partner in getting there!!
GREATER IS COMING my friends! I am a living testimony. Stay with me!
If you are in the Grand Rapids, MI. area (or if you're not) I invite you to come visit the place where a lot of my healing took place and God really proved Himself to me. My wonderful church home: The Revolution Culture Movement at 5301 28th St. Ct. Grand Rapids, MI. 49546. It would be negligent of me not to invite you to partake in the spirit-filled word of God from my amazing Pastors Jermone Glenn and Lady Erica Glenn. They, being led by God, have been of such great help to me over the past two years. Let them bless you too! BE MY GUEST!