Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Reflection: Day 1- Putting It All Into Perspective

Hello all!

On my second day of being 30, I am reflecting on how grateful I am for the friends I have in my life. Lately, God has been allowing me to put so many things in my life into perspective. So many times, we can focus on everything that has been going wrong and fail to recognize and thank God for the things that are going right. We allow one negative thing to outweigh the 20 positive things that have previously occurred. 

At this time in my life, I am trying to focus more on the blessings of my life rather than the things that seem to occur out of my control or may not give me the best feelings. My good days totally outweigh my bad days. I am sure that is the testimony of many of us. 

Why is that we magnify the negative things in our life and seem to forget about anything good going on? Is it easier for our brains to identify bad feelings over good feeling?

As I think about everything going on in my life, I have decided to live in the moment. I am living in the moment of feeling my little bundle of joy moving around inside of my belly. With this being my very first pregnancy, it is so amazing to feel this little life growing inside of me. I am very grateful that God has given me this opportunity to experience such an incredible miracle! I am even more grateful to God for a husband who loves Him first and loves me just as Christ love the church. A man who is excited about being involved in every aspect of the growth of our child and family over all.

My challenge to all of my readers as well as myself it to cast down all negative thoughts by transforming them into what positive things are going on in our lives. We have asked and believed God for GREATER, now that we have received and continue receiving it, lets praise and thank God for it. No matter what it may look like, recall the GREATER and prophesy to the negative by continuing to confess and show gratitude for your GREATER!

GREATER is coming and GREATER is here...Don't lose sight. Put it all into perspective!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Reflection: The Intro

So, I turned 30 yesterday. I am officially out of my 20s. I am grown for real now. 30 seems so adult and sophisticated. It has been quite the journey. I have experienced quite a bit in the last couple of years. From a heartbreaking, embarrassing breakup to now married to a man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world and also a soon to be mom! So much has changed and is changing! And it seems to all be happening so fast!

I would have never thought I'd be where I am now. Two years ago, I had completely different plans. My life was mapped out in my head but God had different plans. His plans and thoughts are always higher than mine. I don't always understand them but I do know that He will always cause me to prosper,

As I reflect, I realize that with the many changes going on around me, there are also many changes going on within me, both physically and spiritually. I am learning so much about myself, my hearts desires, my treasures, my fears, and so much more.

I would like to share with you my 30th year of life. All of my experiences for the next year as I transform from newlywed Mrs to Mrs. Mommy. As I learn to be a wife and a mother, I'd like to share my process in hopes of helping myself and someone else along the way. If you're willing to read, I am willing to share. I am, as I always have been, transparent and willing to share my testimony in order to assist someone else in whatever they may be going through. I am living testimony that God hears our prayers, heals our broken hearts, and blesses beyond expectation. Let's grow and rejoice together.

I look forward to what the following year holds! Stay tuned!
