Greetings from way up in the sky!
I write this to you as I am mid-air, on the way back to Michigan from Nashville, TN. I spent a little over week there with my significant other as we prepare for his relocation to Michigan very soon! God has been in the blessing business lately. He has brought this wonderful man in my life who is everything I have always thought a man who says he loves me should be. I truly feel loved just as Christ loves the church. I am eternally grateful to God for bringing the real thing into my life after I was previously deceived by a counterfeit. God is continually opening doors and placing us in the right paths at the right time.
Although I am very grateful, I also want to remember where I was before, in orfer to stay. Often times we can get so caught up in the infatuation of new blessings, we tend to take our eyes off of the blesser. It's easy to get caught up in a person, place, or thing, and lose sight of the MASTER and His plan.
As I reflect on the many ways God has blessed me over the last two years, I want to remain in a place of neediness and humility. I NEED God every step of the way. Into this new chapter of my life, in my relationship, at my job, with my family, and with my friends. I don't want to become satisfied with the blessing and not continuing forth to bear more fruit with my life.
Sometimes, it's good for us to take some time out. Let God know how grateful we are of the many blessings we don't deserve. I know I don't deserve any! I fail time and time again into sin and fleshly struggles, but I'm grateful for a God who gives grace in abundance! No, I don't use it or abuse it. I'm convicted constantly of my actions that may not please God. I'm just grateful that doesn't see me like I see me. He only sees the best in me!
Taking time to be more intimate with God is a great thing to do. I mean deliberate time. Turn off the tv for a few days or maybe even the entire month! Take a break from social media, which is mostly wordly gossip anyway, and give the time you'd be spending on Facebook, Instagram, Vine, etc. and spend that time in the word or on worship or prayer. Talk to God. So often He stops hearing from us once we got what we want and the times He does hear from us is when we need to repent for a failure. God deserves more than that! He deserves to be more that a repair man or "Santa Claus" to us. He is way too good of a God to be treated so horribly.
So, my challenge to you and to me, is to take time to get back to the basics of your relationship with God. Remember who He has been to you. Magnify Him for His greatness. Get in that place like when your heart was broken, cry out to your Daddy, feel His presence and let Him know you love Him so much and you're lost without Him. Now is the time! Your greater is here. God already had it laid out for you. Get in the place with Him to take hold of it.
Back to the basics. See you at the throne!