Monday, May 26, 2014
Worth The Wait: Waiting for Yourself
Today, I want to write about waiting. Waiting can be difficult at times, especially if it is something that you really want. It can be hard to be patient until you are able to have that which you have been waiting for. I want to talk about waiting for your mate, the person God has chosen specifically for you, to come into your life and connect to you in marriage.
I was talking to my godmother the other day and I explained to her this six month journey I have decided to take part in with a group of single women at my church. The journey consists of six months with Jesus and refraining from dating, talking to, texting, social media messaging, video chatting, or hanging out with men whom I am interested in or who may be interested in me. Now, to many this six month "man fast" may seem challenging, and I know I will have some tough days because I am one who likes attention and some guys know how to give me just the right kind and the right amount that I desire. So on those days that I long for the companionship of the opposite sex, I know I will have to pray hard that God help me not contact somebody to fill that void. It's a time for me to allow Jesus to fill every void that I need filled.
Anyhow, as my godmother and I spoke, she told me how excited she was that I decided to take this journey and she said to me, "You're worth the wait". Now, this has been said to me many times before but yesterday, I began to understand the statement differently. I do believe that I am worth the wait. I am confident in the fact that I am a great catch. I am a sweet, caring, loving woman. I am able to provide for myself and don't need a man to take care of me but I am willing to allow him to be a man and provide like a man should, etc. So, in my opinion, I am worth any man waiting for me.
As I began to think a little deeper into the statement, "You're worth the wait", I began to ask myself, am I worth waiting for myself? A lot of the times, we want things right now. Society is such a microwave culture. I thought more and I realized, I have never really allowed MYSELF to wait. I have never really allowed myself to wait on the Lord. That's the real "wait". I find myself marrying (not in a literal sense) every single man who may be a Christian in my head. Seeing how my first name would sound with his last name; immediately putting him in the category of potential mate. I realize when I do that, I put a certain amount of expectation on the relationship that more than likely should not be there. I have jumped the gun on more than one occasion with guys I probably should have only just be friends with in the first place. I got their feelings entangled when after a little while because of my own emotional actions, mine would disappear because it was all superficial. It was something I made up in my mind too soon because of how it made me feel at the time and I did not wait on God to unfold the relationship into it's true purpose.
It's not my job to pick the next guy I see, whom I feel as though may have the traits that I desire in a man, as my future husband. It's my job to wait on God to reveal the purpose of each relationship with anyone I encounter. I have never been without a guy in my life since I was old enough to start talking to/dating guys. The relationships were not all sexual but there was always some male companion around that I could call and talk to that could fill the void I had for the male companionship. I have never really allowed myself to wait.
Therefore, after experiencing this revelation, I have decided to really allow myself to wait on God, seek Him for all the things that he would have me to do during these next six months and ask that my thinking be transformed so that I no longer look at every single man I come in contact with as my potential husband. I want God to take the reigns and allow me to be carefree so that when it happens, it happens because God made it happen and not because Keya manipulated it in her way to happen. One of my male friends told me that it's okay to just be friends with the opposite sex and not think about anything further than that. When you come in with just one mindset, you block out so many other things. Your friend could have another friend that you are supposed to meet and maybe marry but your mind is so stuck on a relationship with the person that is supposed to be your friend, you miss out on your real blessing! That right there is some truth!
I don't want a superficial love, or something that I created. I want everything that God created! I want it to be real, pure, and free of distortion. I want it to be what God has brought together through obedience and truly trusting and relying on Him and Him alone. So, I am worth the wait, my wait. I am worth ME waiting on God to do what he needs to do in order to set me in the right place for the man that He has created specifically for me. Now the question is, are you worth your wait? The old saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait". I believe GREATER things are coming! Wait on Him!
Happy Waiting!
Friday, May 2, 2014
For The Inquiring Guy: My Ideal Mate
Good day to you!
I'm feeling all personal and descriptive today so I thought I'd share my thoughts on my ideal mate, both physical and spiritual traits.
I know we all have our preferences whether we think we do or not. There are some physical traits you're just automatically attracted to right from the beginning. I'd say the first thing I look at is a guys physical appearance. A clean, shaved face and a crisp hair cut is always an eye-catcher. For me, I pay attention to hands also. Nice, clean hands with clean nails is very attractive. Bitten down nails are not hot at all!
I like a tall guy, from medium to semi - large build. It's nice to have a man to literally look up to. It's also nice to have someone to cuddle up against when I'm cold. Six packs are great but I'm also not opposed to a little belly to lay on and cuddle with. I'm not a small girl, I'm not gigantic either but I'd rather feel smaller than I am while cuddling with a guy because he covers me securely than feel like I'm going to smother him to death lol.
I prefer a confident man. Someone who is completely secure in their whole self, physically, mentally, and spiritually. When a man knows who he is, knows he's attractive and is not swayed by what others may think of him... has his own vibe a.k.a. swag, that is extremely attractive. I like a well dressed man also.
A man who has ambition, clear direction, and is in a position to work towards his dream is attractive also. I have myself pretty together in my eyes. Good job, self sufficient, handling my business, and treating myself well. If you are unable to treat me the same or better than I treat me then you probably shouldn't try to pursue me. I am no gold digger of course but I do like to be stunned wined and dined :). A man that pursues me should be bringing the same, if not more to the table.
Hmmm.... this appears to be getting a little lengthy and all I've discussed so far are my superficial desires. In my opinion, not all superficial desires are bad. I want to be attracted to the man I'm with and of course one way is to be physically attracted. That is a must in older to enjoy physical intimacy. So, let's leave this post here for now. I will get to spiritual desires next post. Until then, think on these things! ;^)
See ya!