Welcome to 2014!!!! You made it!
Even though you may have thought 2013 had beat you up so bad that there was no point in going on, you made it! You have a new chance at a fresh start. I know, any day can be a fresh start, but there is something psychologically special about starting a New Year. You can say things now like, I have not gotten my heart broken all year, or I have not had a drink of alcohol all year, or I have not sinned in fornication all year, or I have been working out all year!! And now, it's up to you to keep whatever your "all year" statement is true through to 2015! It's like you have brand new clean slate! Everything that happened in 2013 that was not for your benefit is left back there!
I, for one, am very excited about the great manifestations that I see coming this year! God is up to something amazing because He helped me end 2013 so strong! I have been getting the notion that 2014 is the year God is repairing some things that have been broken WAY too long! He is mending relationships, restoring families, and healing wounds. He is going to be pouring out His Spirit in ways never imagined before and all we have to do is receive!
It is time to look forward, toward the Greater things ahead and allow God to reign down on us His magnificent power and anointing. I challenge you to take full advantage of the blessings and gifts God is pouring out this year! I am believing that due to the Repairing, Restoring and Receiving, this year is going to be a breakout year for so many of us! It will be a matte of us accepting His marvelous grace and allowing our gifts to make room for us.
The work has already begun! 2014 is YOUR YEAR! 2014 is MY YEAR! We can say things like, God has been using me ALL YEAR, God has been repairing broken areas in my life ALL YEAR, God has been restoring relationships in my family ALL YEAR, and I have been receiving in abundance ALL YEAR! Walk in His grace all year! Be a living vessel for Him all year! Manifest His glory all year!
Greater is here! Take it! And walk in it ALL YEAR!!!